Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Thousand Words is Worth a Picture

How fun is this socially-conscious wall art from Litographs? An ENTIRE book is printed on each poster. I would love to have a wall of these in an office or library (sigh, someday.) The Peter Rabbit and Aesop's Fables would also be perfect (and educational) accents in a kid's room. New prints are released twice a week and the company, committed to promoting literacy, donates a book to charity for each poster sold.
Aesop's Fables

The Prince

Ulysses (This might be my personal favorite.)
...I would also love to see someone pull out a magnifying glass and unfold one of these on the morning commute.

Images via

1 comment:

  1. Here is another cool site for lithographics or infographics....


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