Monday, December 3, 2012

O Christmas Tree

5. Pick out and buy a real Christmas tree

We bought our first live Christmas tree!

Ok, so it's not quite our first Christmas (we're on Christmas number three), but for whatever reason, I feel like this is our first 'real' Christmas. We've taken our holiday decorating up a notch and have graduated from hand-me-down fake trees (Our first: a post frat house two-footer in a plastic pot. Our second: two pre-decorated topiaries) to a Real. Life. Christmas. Tree.

My ornaments are still in Kentucky at my parents and will probably stay there a few more years until we have a bigger home. However, my husband's ornaments are front and center on our decorated fir -- providing a very Chicago sports-themed tree scape.

We also picked up a pack of 50 silver ornaments from Target for $15! A few were broken or had small defects (I think I threw away about seven in total), but I haven't seen any other tasteful bulk ornaments close to that price point.
To be fair, I was a little nervous about the tree procuring process. My parents have always had theirs hand delivered and set up ever since I can remember. I figured the process of bringing home a tree ourselves would be quite tedious -- that we'd be responsible to physically carrying it out of the tree lot and affixing it atop our car. (I do have good reason for assuming lots of manual labor would be involved - our first Christmas in Chicago, two of my best friends bought a tree from the McDonalds parking lot in Wrigleyville. Unable to attach it to their car, they enlisted a few guys to walk it six blocks down the sidewalk to their place.)

The process of entering the lot to leaving with our tree was much easier than picking out ornaments at Target. 

We simply alerted a gentleman to which tree we wanted and he walk it out, recut the trunk, bagged it, and tied it to the top of our car for us. Easy peasy. If you are in the Chicago area and feeling a little tree anxiety like I was, fear not! Also, make sure to browse around the tree lot a bit. Since we're still in a condo, we weren't looking for "the very best tree ever" and among those with $100+ price tags, we stumbled upon ours for $35. Granted it doesn't have tons of branches.... but hey, we don't have tons of ornaments.

Our home is now filled with holiday cheer. :)

Don't mind the skirt-less stand. Fabric is ordered and DIY tree skirt is coming soon!

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