Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Techy Things

Can I list this post under DIY? Sure.

If anyone is like me and looking for a few key tutorials, I wanted to share these snippets of information. Here are this week's "techy" accomplishments (aka, things I'm patting myself on the back for):

1. You'll notice I added Instagram to my sidebar. I did a little research and easily found the badges, but through http://snapwidget.com/#getstarted, you can add an actual grid or slide show to your page. 

2. I've been working on a lot of website analytics for work and have learned how to create a source/tracking code in Google Analytics. Here's my favorite new bookmark: http://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033867?hl=en
Bonus: it automatically adds to your analytics page. (Find the stats for these tracking code under "campaigns" in your analytics page. Note: it takes about an hour for the new campaigns to show up... my refresh button and I tested this.) 

3. I feel like I should have three accomplishments this week. It's only Tuesday, so updates may be forthcoming. However, I did make a major computer upgrade. John had a huge surprise for me Friday after work. We were driving to West Elm to pick up a new dresser for our bedroom and suddenly turned into the Apple parking garage. I've been hinting for a while, but was completely shocked. Happy anniversary/birthday/Christmas/lots of other holidays to me:) #besthubbyever

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